Enjoy supreme moments in Dhow cruise


Finding your time to celebrate with friends, family, or spouse is the perfect way to enjoy some great moments in life. If you are looking for a venue to celebrate your happy moments, sail on a Dhow cruise. In a Dhow, there is a lot to enjoy; from international buffet dinners, music, entertainment, dancing, and many other activities that illustrate luxurious life in Dubai.

You will enjoy the splendid time as you cruise and view the seashores from a distance. It’s a place where you can take cool photos and share with friends on social media. The crew will welcome you with different brewed beverages, including Arabic coffee and other refined drinks. Marvel at the luminous cityscape as the Dhow moves through Marina.

The cruise comes with a modern dinner buffet; you will have to select and go for those that satisfy your appetite. Even if you are a vegetarian, you will enjoy a great selection of traditional cuisines and healthy options. Try the Arabic, Asian, and Continental dishes and desserts.

A traditional Dhow with modern designs and other additional features outdo many others in its range. It has a great open deck that can accommodate a large number of people. The air-conditioned lower deck is decorated with expensive interior designs and is spacious enough to give a comfortable feeling to the guests. A Dhow provides an exceptional setting for people to rejoice and celebrate.

You can also enjoy the entertainment programs in a Dhow. An Egyptian folk dance called Tanoura, magic show and music make a beautiful combination that will light up the night. The lower deck has a well-designed floor that is perfect for dancing with your partner.

The professional dancers will invite couples to dance on the floor. It is an occasion when you and your loved ones will be in sheer delight. The trained and professional staff always dedicates it’s time to offer you excellent services. The luxurious ride in the sparkling waters of Dubai is something which you should never miss.

Dhow cruise is one of the most popular activities in Dubai. So, book in advance to celebrate your free time with your family and friends. Have a memorable time, and remember your tour for all the right reasons.